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Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

This is an imaginative text that would encourage students to get creative!  There are wonderful adventures throughout this book that will have readers sitting on the edges of their seat!  I would use this text with any elementary grade.  As an extension, I would have students complete creative writing activities modeled after this story.  

Pete the Cat and HIs Four Groovy Buttons

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons - Eric Litwin, James Dean

Pete the Cat books are excellent to use with students of any ages.  I would use this book to encourage students not to worry about the little things in life.  I would implement this in the beginning of the school year when trying to build a positive tone for the class.


I would also use this book as a part of a study of Pete the Cat books.  It would be great to do compare/contrast activities with them.